Artwork By: TEKNYC
We are a group of US-based leaders from the Breakin Community who recognize the importance of current events and uprisings in the US that oppose Anti-Blackness and systemic racial injustices.
We believe it is necessary to demand a paradigm shift in the global Breakin community so that future aesthetics of the culture can center and focus on Black and Brown voices and Hip Hop Cultural practice.
We believe major corporate sponsors, organizations, promoters, and events must be held accountable for achieving this focus of Black and Brown voices and Hip Hop Cultural practice.
1. We call to end the use of the N-word by non-Black people in the Breakin community, in addition to any toxic gender-based and non-cultural language and misnaming the dance e.g. “breakdancing”.
2. We call for organizations, promoters, major corporate sponsors, and events in the Breakin community to provide the community with equitable and measurable long-term investments in the sustainability of the Breakin Community and Breakin Culture that include the following: a) Measurable investments in local educational and mentorship programming that is managed and led by the local communities including resource support from major corporate sponsors, organizations, promoters, and events rather than one-off programming designed and implemented by sponsors b) Measurable investments in centering Black voices in both behind the scene work and decision making as well as platforming Black people and aesthetics in the presentation of work.
3. Dance event organizers must actively uplift the History and roots of Breakin by making visible the contributions of Black and Brown people.
4. Dance event organizers must reach out and involve members of the local economy to create a bridge between dancers and their community.
5. Dance event organizers must value and involve a Generational exchange through dialogues with young and elder dancers before and during events.