The year is wrapping up and we are grateful to have visited our Dance DJ and Graf family during this year in Phonix, Cleveland, Denver, Los Angeles, Jersey City and Portland. Going through a pandemic brought alot of doubt and isolation to our scene. And as we step through that global CoVid chapter, we notice that the future is upon us. Let's continue to get together and enjoy brainstorming and collaborating on how that future can look and feel.
Recently the Vanguard T shirts were printed and sent out as gifts to our national collaborators. The artwork was done by Bboy House in Phoenix and the printing was also done by Roy also an Arizona local talent IG @imfile2 . Shout to The Jukebox and TrillPHX!
We would like to thank Bgirl Asia One, Bboy House, SammyMac, Wyno, Ian Flaws and Bgirl GI Jane for supporting this first wave of programing to help affirm local history and improve the future outlook of our Hip hop community. Thank you to Bgirl Ghebrielle Desta who helped to design this website. Thank you to Karl Michael who helped to organize the events for 2022. It takes a village to raise a child and we are all motivated to see everyone excel at their Hip hop life.
We look forward to catching up with familiar and the new faces of our dance and DJ family in the upcoming 12 months! Thank you to the Ford Foundation.
2023 is being hailed as the 50th anniversary of that 1st party thrown by Kool Herc and his sister Cindy Campbell. We expect to join the festivities in NYC and beyond.
Please stay in touch with us and your local Hip hop culturalists. Support local!!

Pictured are Grand Wizard Theodore and DJ DP One above and below Grand Wizard Theodore when they appeared on Kwik2Rok show on BronxTV airing in January 2023.

From all of us to all of you, Have a safe and loving holiday season. Wishing you all a happy and abundant new year!
Peace and Breakbeats.